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The body of lay people in Zion Methodism whose responsibility it is to disseminate information to the laity of the denomination in order to bring about greater awareness and understanding of the polity and practice of the A.M.E. Zion Church.


The mission of the Connectional Lay Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is to prepare and equip laity for life discipleship in the Kingdom of God by maintaining effective ministries that evangelize, encourage, and edify the laity.

To do this, we will::

  • Prepare laity for a life of discipleship

  • Equip laity for a life of discipleship

  • Maintain effective ministries that:

    • Evangelize laity

    • Encourage laity

    • Edify laity


As servants of the Most High God, and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ that are guided by the Holy Spirit, the vision of the Connectional Lay Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is to prepare the lay members of our denomination for a life of service in the Kingdom of God.

We will do this by:

  • Developing ourselves and others as Christian disciples

  • Helping others to know, worship, and follow Christ in spirit and in truth

  • Collaborating and cooperating across organizational, institutional, and denominational boundaries to minister to the masses


The focus is on the Holy Bible of which must be an integral part of our lives and that is why it is placed in the center. “Come With Us to Christ” was our first Quadrennial Convention theme in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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Black signifies our pride as a race of people.
Gold signifies our striving toward purity.


All laity in the A.M.E. Zion Church are strongly encouraged to catch the vision for Christian leadership, accountability, stewardship, and Christian service so that, together, we might usher in the Kingdom of God through the A.M.E. Zion Church.


As a member of Duryee Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church you are automatically eligible for membership.


Membership Categories: Life: $175 (once- includes stole) Four-Year: $20.00 Regular: $5.00 (annual).


The Life member stole is a sacrificial gift that represents the purpose and commitment of the laity of the A.M.E. Zion Church.

Important Dates

February – Black History Month

April – Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Membership Drive

May – Annual Harriet Tubman Pilgrimage, Auburn NY – (usually the 4th weekend)

June – Annual Conference (Lay Day usually at Annual Conference

October – Connectional Lay Sunday – uniform throughout A.M.E.Z. Churches (usually 3rd Sunday)

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